Evidence, data and monitoring

Local Infrastructure Plan

The Local Infrastructure Plan is part of the evidence base for the Bradford District Local Plan and will play a key role in delivering the vision set out in the District's Sustainable Community Strategy and the Local Plan Core Strategy.

The purpose of Local Infrastructure Plan is to provide an infrastructure capacity assessment for the District. This has included working in partnership with physical, social and green infrastructure providers to establish what infrastructure provision there is in the district, and identifying any gaps or capacity issues within the existing provision. The Local Infrastructure Plan also provides an initial assessment of what infrastructure will be required to support development within the District over the Local Plan period and how it could be implemented. It further aims to provide a clear steer on who is responsible for implementing policies and proposals, by when and the resources that will be required.

The Local Infrastructure Plan is based on information currently available and must be able to respond to changing needs and circumstances over the plan period. Consequently it is a 'live' document and will be updated taking account of all the changes as they come forward.

Contact details

Planning Policy
4th Floor
Britannia House
Hall Ings

Phone : 01274 433679
Email : planning.policy@bradford.gov.uk